Prosoco DailyKlean for Concrete Floors - Daily Maintenance Cleaner


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Prosoco DailyKlean - Daily Cleaner for Commercial Concrete Floors

Prosoco DailyKlean - Daily Maintenance Cleaner for Commercial Concrete Floors.  Prosoco Daily Clean removes most common soiling from concrete floors while maintaining their shine. Specifically designed for the unique surface chemistry concrete floors, Prosoco DailyKlean can be used as part of a comprehensive maintenance program to make concrete flatwork look better and last longer. Prosoco DailyClean is also safer for workers and the environment than conventional cleaning formulations and has been recognized by the EPA’s Safer Choice program.

Prosoco DailyKlean - Concrete Floor Maintenace Cleaner features:

  • Recognized by the EPA's Safer Choice Program
  • Maintains shine on concrete flatwork
  • Removes most common stains and soiling. Ideal for autoscrubbers.
  • Contains no phosphates, hazardous solvents or environmentally harmful surfactants
  • No rinsing needed for routine surface cleaning of floors.
  • NSF Nonfood Compounds Registered


Prosoco DailyKlean Product Data Sheet

Prosoco DailyKlean Safety Data Sheet

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